Let your robot do the recycling

ZenRobotics is a Finnish technology company that was the first to implement waste sorting robots into industrial environments. If ZenRobotics could implement their solution on a global scale, and be the sole supplier of waste-sorting robots, they would certainly contribute to reducing the world’s CO2 emissions. ZenRobotics is trying to address the fact that so many materials are going to waste instead of being recycled and reused.


Across most of the world, recycled waste is often sorted by hand, making it a time consuming and expensive process. As a result, a great deal of waste does not get recycled.


Today, numerous companies are working on waste-handling robots, such asWaste Robotics, Adept Technology, Robai, Robotex, and more.

ZenRobotics’ robots use the waste materials and recreate the primary pro-duct or a secondary effect, resulting ina circular process from development to waste to product.

Clients can customise the ZenRobotics system daily to handle different materialsand manufacturing processes thanks to artificial intelligence software, ZenBrain.

This process significantly reduces pollution by lessening the amount of resources, such as minerals and ores, required to manufacture and create materials.

The robots have been deployed to work all over the world, and in October 2020, together with the Swiss company Eberhard, ZenRobotics launched a waste sorting facility that can sort up to 200 tons per hour, reducing CO2 emissionsby a substantial amount.

ZenRobotics offers two types of robotsto help companies handle excess waste and use it to craft materials. Heavy Picker, the strongest robot, can lift up to 30kg per arm and per object at a time; FastPicker can sort 4,000 objects per hour, through a clean and precise process that produces higher profit margins while reducing pollution. Baetsen Recycling, Remeo, Shitara Kousan, SORTERA, and other renowned names are among ZenRobotics’ customers.


Founded in: 2007
Founded by: Harri Valpola and Tuomas Lukka
CEO: Wolfgang Schiller
HEADQUARTERS: Helsinki, Finland
Employees 2020/2021: 30
Privately Owned and Investors Revenue 2020: $6 MUSD

Visit the website of ZenRobotics at: www.zenrobotics.com

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With the Sustainability report, we want to recognise companies that not only have a great innovation or solution that has a significant impact on lowering CO2 emissions, but also have put in place measures to scale and commercialise.

The companies in the report have been thoroughly researched by the Megadeals team through interviews with highly ranked profiles within the organisations.

The key principle is that only when the great sustainability innovations scale and commercialise they can create a deep impact and the world a better place.

Why is this important? We simply don't have time to wait.