Feeding more plants with less energy

Spowdi is a Swedish technology company with one goal in mind: to provide the world with emission-free, solar-powered water distribution, which will help solve issues with both food production safety and sustainability.


Currently, most crops are irrigated with the help of diesel pumps, which is nota sustainable solution. If Spowdi were to replace all diesel-powered irrigation pumps with their system, this would save 75 billion dollars and reduce global CO2 emissions by 0.6% every year. This is equivalent to the annual electricity use of more than 41 million homes.


Spowdi (Solar POwered Water DIstribution) is an internationally patented technology that efficiently transfers water from the natural water source to the plant. No other company offers the same type of water distribution system.

Spowdi’s invention uses the planet’s natural water resources in a more effective way to increase food production while lowering energy consumption. Their product, Spowdi Mobile Pro, is robust, easily manageable, and portable, consisting of a small solar panel, a power management box, and a pump.

By distributing water by drip irrigation, Spowdi delivers the right amount of water at the right time, which both shortens the growth cycle and gets more growth out of every drop. Because the system is solar-powered, it does this with zero emissions and at a lower cost. Using drip irrigation on crops conserves up to 80% more water than any other system, which directly increases food security.

The benefits of using Spowdi? It’s energy-efficient, portable, extremely high quality, and very cost-effective. The downside is that the pneumatic pump technology is relatively new and unknown among customers.

With an extensive network of distributors to transfer knowledge, build aftermarket relationships and ensure a repeatable sales cycle, Spowdi is targeting many initiatives in Sweden, Spain, and Asia, and its end-users, including smallholder farms, vineyards, pool owners and urban farmers.


Founded in: 2016
Founded by: Henrik Johansson (CEO)
Employees 2019/2021: 1/7
Privately Owned and Investors Revenue 2019: 10 MSEK

Visit the website of Spowdi at: https://spowdi.com/

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Download the full report

With the Sustainability report, we want to recognise companies that not only have a great innovation or solution that has a significant impact on lowering CO2 emissions, but also have put in place measures to scale and commercialise.

The companies in the report have been thoroughly researched by the Megadeals team through interviews with highly ranked profiles within the organisations.

The key principle is that only when the great sustainability innovations scale and commercialise they can create a deep impact and the world a better place.

Why is this important? We simply don't have time to wait.