How to make your building better 

If Nuuka Solutions implemented their system globally, they would reduce global CO2 emissions by 1.62%. This is equivalent to almost 130,000 wind turbines running for one year. 

About Nukka 

Nuuka Solutions is a Finnish PropTech company that has taken on the challenge of the energy waste within the real estate industry. Nukka provides a boost to underdeveloped software within the real estate industry. Nuuka can collect, analyse and use data from buildings to optimise their indoor climate and energy footprint. This, in turn, increases property values, and reduces ownership costs. 


Conventionally, most property owners simply let buildings run in the same manner 365 days a year, resulting in significant and unnecessary GHG emissions. 

During the pandemic, many properties and buildings have been left up and running at total capacity, 24/7, even though they have been sitting empty, contributing unnecessarily to CO2 emissions and energy consumption. 


The main benefit of Nuuka’s system is that it produces immediate results. And, in comparison to other solutions that optimise energy consumption, theirs is relatively inexpensive, and guarantees a great experience for tenants, visitors, and communities. 

Nuuka’s solution is a system that uses AI and remote diagnostics to reduce the energy consumption of buildings by 15-20%, and the building’s overall CO2 emissions by up to 8% while saving hundreds of hours of sustainability reporting. 

Their portfolio includes clients like Edge Technologies, City of Helsinki, and ICA Fastigheter, amongst others. 

The main hurdle Nuuka faces is the real estate sector itself, which is not entirely ready to make the leap. This has made it challenging for them to scale up system implementation and make different legacy systems work together. 


Founded in: 2012
Founded by: Mikko Maja (CTO) et al.
CEO: Tuomas Pippola
Headquarters: Helsinki, Finland
Employees 2021: 25
Privately Owned and Investors Revenue 2020: 1.3 MEUR 

Visit the website of Nuuka Solutions at:

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Download the full report

With the Sustainability report, we want to recognise companies that not only have a great innovation or solution that has a significant impact on lowering CO2 emissions, but also have put in place measures to scale and commercialise.

The companies in the report have been thoroughly researched by the Megadeals team through interviews with highly ranked profiles within the organisations.

The key principle is that only when the great sustainability innovations scale and commercialise they can create a deep impact and the world a better place.

Why is this important? We simply don't have time to wait.