What's the best formula for creating positive brand awareness and engagement within your top target accounts?

What's the best formula for creating positive brand awareness and engagement within your top target accounts? This is something every ambitious CRO, CMO and CSO wants to know.

How do you make sure your marketing is aligned with your sales efforts and that you spend most of your time and money on the most interesting targets? Known or still to be identified via the right martech "radar".

There is so much data available, but how do you actually profit from these insights. The marketing technology landscape is overwhelming with a massive and ever increasing amount of platforms... 🤪 🤯 (see below) Which ones offer the most impactful and cost-efficient solutions?

At Megadeals Advisory we have a proven concept of orchestrating large deals where you bring your sales and marketing to the next level with the help of cutting edge martech and analytics.

// Johan Hultman